Healthy Living

5 Pillars

Meghna Gupta
3 min readSep 3, 2020
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Health is the real wealth. Most of us know this, but do not know how to earn and maintain this wealth. Or may be the information available is so much now a days that it is actually very difficult to know what to follow and what to filter away.

I read a lot on physical and mental health and it is something I can never get bored of. I practice whatever suits me and really strongly believe that every individual is different and their requirements are different. There is no formula that suits everyone alike when it comes to health.

Keeping this in my mind I have created 5 core pillars of Health and Wellbeing that I truly believe in. These are the things that I do to take care of myself and my loved ones and they have helped me a lot. Let’s have a look at them -

Listen to your body: Too often than not people ignore what their body is trying to tell them. A lot of health problems that we experience would not bother us if we are in sync with our body. Do not postpone meals when hungry, do not postpone sleep when tired, do not work when you have mild fever, watch your weight, observe what triggered your last headache. Indigestion, lethargy, headaches, tiredness, toothache, lack of appetite and many such minor things which we ignore in our fast-paced routines are ways in which our body communicates and tells us that it is not fine. Ensure you do not take these signs lightly.

Watch what you eat: Physical fitness is more about food than about exercise. It is said, “Abs are made in the Kitchen”. So, if your food is not right, no amount of exercise is going to help. Avoid junk foods and everything ready to eat out of packet. Have real food. Have fresh home cooked meals. Eat traditional recipes of your family. Eat small portions. Eat mindfully without gadgets around.

Choose your Exercise routine: Not all exercises are meant for all individuals. Experiment and find a routine that suits you. You are unique and your body is unique. It will take some time to find out right mix of indoor and outdoor activities that you enjoy and are suitable for your body’s specific needs. What proportion of strength and cardio is required for you. Talk to a fitness trainer and understand what works for you.

Do not miss out on sleep at any cost: You should be able to fall asleep easily and as much as possible get up without the help of an alarm. Your body’s natural clock will help you wake up when you are completely rested. If not possible on weekdays, try to do this on a weekend at least for complete healing from everyday wear and tear. Wake up without any external trigger. Sleep is even more important than food for for our survival. Have you ever wondered why is it that we can live without food for a week but we cannot function properly if we have not slept for even a day? Think about it and you will never compromise on your sleep again.

Take care of your Mental Health: Your mental and physical health are intertwined. Each affects the other. Taking care of both of them is extremely important. Exercise improves your mood and if you are doing the physical activity that you enjoy, it is more beneficial for your body. Good mental health helps you endure through physical stresses and good physical health helps you sail through mentally stressful times. Be sure to focus on both.

Do share your thoughts on healthy living. How do you take care of your mental health? Are there any foods/special recipes you swear by to stay healthy? Share in the comments below.

Until next time…

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!

Take care.



Meghna Gupta

Writing stories inspired from my ever changing life full of colors.