A small take on love

Inspired from “Bridgerton” — A delightfully engaging Netflix series

Meghna Gupta
4 min readMay 3, 2021

Have you watched this series yet? It’s a must watch if you like period dramas, if you like romance, if you like poetic grandeur or if you simply want to watch something to take your mind off the current affairs and the modern society.

In just eight episodes, the series has managed to touch and explore the vastness of human relationships through depicting — love, scandal, honor, marriage, pride, security, trust, heartbreak, parenting and a lot more. The language and the music are delightful. The story is enticing and acting gripping.

I was particularly intrigued by the depth and sensitivity with which they have handled various characters — carefully crafted to depict the diversity of human personalities. My favorite is “Simon” — The duke of Hastings

“Just because something is not perfect… does not make it any less worthy of love” — Daphne’s confession to Simon — Bridgerton, Netflix Original Series

Too many times, we, as a result of our childhood experiences, end up harboring unpleasant emotions about ourselves or people in general and carry those feelings into adulthood. The intensity might be different for everyone, but there are many people who have these unresolved issues.

When we are young, we have many distractions around us, many things/activities to keep us busy and we don’t pay much heed to these negative emotions. We don’t pause and think — Why do we act in a certain way? Why we are comfortable or uncomfortable in certain situations? Can we do something about it?

As we grow older, I think, these unexplored, hidden feelings become more and more prominent and visible in our relationships — at work, at home and in general, in most spheres of our lives. It is too late then to gather the motivation to seek resolution.

Acceptance and recognition is the first step it is said. And for people who experience a rather difficult childhood, self-actualization can happen very early in life. They sometimes start searching for answers to their unresolved childhood queries as soon as they enter adulthood. If they keep on looking, they also find people who can offer help to them. Friends, mentors, teachers, guides, colleagues etc. They are motivated to lead a good life ahead and hence they are receptive of the available solutions. They are hopeful that they can build a better future for themselves.

It is very very important that they find a good life partner. Someone who can truly understand them and accept them as they are. Love their real self.

Because if someone has endured a difficult childhood and has still managed to become an adult who respects others, who values human relationships, who does not purposefully cause suffering to other people, who is secure enough and capable enough to build a good life for himself without using others, I think it is an achievement in itself. My heart goes out for Simon here.

Otherwise also, no one is perfect. Every human being has some insecurities. This is what makes us real. I truly believe that to love someone is to love them as a whole. To make an effort to understand what makes them who they are. To let them know that you love their imperfections, even more than their perfections. To create an environment so comfortable and welcoming that they feel secure to be themselves there.

This is too much to ask some will think. But is it? Is it really love if you like only the qualities or the good things about a human being? Can you just love the flower and not care about the plant and expect the plant to keep on blooming? I don’t think you can.

So, no matter where you are currently in your relationship. Think about it — Do you love the imperfections of your partner as much as their qualities? More importantly do you let them know that you do?

As Daphne says in the season’s finale,

“I love all of you…every scar, every flaw, every imperfection…I love you…you may think that you are too damaged, too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy but you can choose differently…you can choose to love me as much as I love you…”

Until next time…

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!

Take care…



Meghna Gupta

Writing stories inspired from my ever changing life full of colors.