3 Life Skills I wish were taught at school more than anything else…

Meghna Gupta
5 min readAug 20, 2021

If I have to pick 3 life skills that I would value for the rest of my life, that I have learnt and relearnt, again and again, through various experiences, that I think are applicable to everyone irrespective of their profession or place, they will be — a positive mindset, learning to deal with failures and being able to prioritize.

I am glad that early on in my career, I crossed path with the right kind of people. Bosses who were more like mentors than managers, colleagues who were more like friends than competitors. Working with these amazing people has taught me some invaluable life lessons, which have and will be my guiding light throughout my life.

And I think these basic skills should be taught to every individual at a young age, preferably at School/university. So that, they don’t just graduate with good marks and a placement offer in hand, but they are also equipped to sustain the life of their dreams.

  1. Positive mindset

When I started out my professional journey, I was completely unaware of this concept. Positive, negative, neutral thoughts — I did not know how to distinguish between them. But what I knew was that I needed to learn how to think in a way that propels me further irrespective of the circumstances. I felt the need to have greater control over my thoughts.

But what I knew was that I needed to learn, how to think in a way that propels me further irrespective of the circumstances.

This desire to change, to feel better, to feel more in control introduced me to this concept. There has been no looking back since then.

Being able to have a positive outlook towards life, to be able to believe that things will remain good/they will change for the better/I can achieve what I want/my hard work will pay me back/that “the glass is half full” — has been a life changing mindset shift for me.

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

It is very important because only when we “think and believe” that there is a solution to our problem, is our brain able to “find” one. It is only when we have “faith” that life is going to be/will remain good that our brain makes us “choose the actions” required for that life. It is only when we remain “hopeful” are we able to “see and grab” opportunities that come our way.

It is all backed by science. Yet, surprisingly, not talked about enough. Not at schools and universities, not at home, not at corporate skill building sessions. We don’t have structured programs/curriculums around this theme that can help people develop a positive mindset.

Hope this will change soon.

2. Learning to Deal with Failures

Second most important learning from my adult life.

Chasing dreams, building careers, personal growth everything comes with its own share of setbacks. Nobody can escape failures on their way to the top. Learning to deal with them is absolutely necessary

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Punishing mistakes committed in the learning process, is one of the worst things that parents/teachers do to young children.

Unless someone is breaking law, hurting someone or doing anything that is “really damaging” to oneself or people around him/her, they should be encouraged to make mistakes.

Doing something right in first attempt is good, but I now understand that “not quitting” and “not getting bogged down by your mistakes” is a much more important skill. Schools and colleges should ensure that they are not developing individuals who won’t start something, out of a fear of failure. And if someone already has a “fear of failure”, they should be provided with appropriate resources to identify and overcome the same before they enter the world on their own.

Doing something right in first attempt is good, but I now understand that “not quitting” and “not getting bogged down by your mistakes” is a much more important skill.

Bigger the dreams, bigger are going to be the setbacks along the way. What matters is how fast you can get up and moving again. Period!

3. Prioritizing

80% of adult life is about managing our priorities well. There are so many activities going on around us, so many roles we are playing. If we don’t understand the subtle art of prioritizing, we are going to be miserable.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Everybody’s life is different, we cannot generalize the right order of priorities applicable to all. But there are some things like our health, relationships, money etc. which can be kept constant and in the correct order.

Focus on Fitness > Value your time > Build lasting relationships > Understand Money

Fitness should be our primary focus throughout our life, not something we do “when we are free”.

Most valuable asset we have is our time, we must utilize every minute of it.

Building deep, meaningful and lasting relationships is key to emotional stability, which in turn is the key to a joyful and happy life.

Earning and managing money should be understood dispassionately. “No strings attached” approach works better with money than with people.

We have reached a stage where we are teaching “coding” to kids as young as 4-year-old.

Shouldn’t we prioritize teaching them skills which will help them sail through any career path they choose for themselves? Which will help them in their professional as well as personal lives? Which will allow them to lead a happy and healthy life?

I think we should.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with me?

Share your comments below or write to me at megspeaks.in@gmail.com

Before I say goodbye, one last thing -

It is never too late to reset your priorities. It is never too late to realign yourself to what is important. No matter where you are in your life or which profession you are into, these habits & mindset shifts are for you too. Try one at a time. Give yourself time to adjust & readjust your thoughts. It won’t be easy to change but it sure will be rewarding if you manage to stick through. Keep practicing until they become your natural response, like a reflex almost.

Until next time…

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!


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Meghna Gupta

Writing stories inspired from my ever changing life full of colors.